This is the time when you can throw on your swank silk robe, pour yourself a glass brimming with sparkling wine, and massage on your favorite face mask while tuning into a great black & white you found on TCM.
Or...This is the time when you can throw on those sweats you've had lying on the floor of your bedroom for the past week, crack open a fresh box of room temperature Franzia, and catch up on The Bachelor/The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills/trashy reality show thats been sitting on the DVR for the past week, all with a face full of day old makeup.
Whichever. I think you know which one applies to me.
I am extensively selfish (in the adorable/charming way) and therefore cherish these evenings. So for the next week, SWFLA will take a closer look at these introverted moments I cherish dearly.
So ladies, a successful evening in doesn't just materialize like gays at a Britney concert. No, it requires a little effort and a few products that any true SWF would have in constant supply. Namely: a Bath Bomb.
Baths are an extremely necessary and undervalued part of life that we SWF have been taking full advantage of for years. It's relaxing, it's indulgent and, best of all, it's a great way to procrastinate doing anything productive like laundry or going to the gym. To really enjoy a bath SWF style, you're going to need to grab a couple Bath Bombs from Lush. Fill your bath tub with warm water and chunk it in. Some are fizzy, some are soothing, some are invigorating, and some do serious magic to those ashy knees that you haven't moisturized since last summer. You can't go wrong here. Everything is handmade, created in the USA, and are not tested on our furry friends. So whenever you make a purchase at Lush, you basically become an awesome human and humanitarian. This thought alone makes me want to give someone a high five.
So crank up some Ray LeMontagne, toss your bath bomb in the tub, and enjoy your evening.
i can dig it-- bath bombz rule!